Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Hello: My name is Brendan and I am an 8 year veteran of the SO registry. Whoever visits this site who is at their end and feels all alone and feels that no one understands and that there is no possibility of any meaningful future I have a message.

Please dont check yourself out 5 minutes before the rescue. You ARE a HUMAN BEING and an AMERICAN CITIZEN and you have rights even though they seem to have been suspended.

From the Salem witch trials, to the scarlet letter, to segregation our nation has a VERY rich history of eating its own in the name of security or religious dogma's this is nothing new please do not despair. There are a number of sites and support systems like this popping up all over.

We as FORMER offenders are finally coming out of our collective closets of guilt and shame and beginning to organize. We are not hero's by any stretch of the imagination we are simply ordinary Americans just like you that for various reasons have made mistakes in our past for which we have served our time and made our restitution.

Like you we are angry at the CONSTANT government harrassment that keeps changing the rules every year or two and we refuse to be led silently into the slaughter pen any longer. We are men and women with families and are tired of the collateral damage on our families and friends.

I invite you to join this site and others and lets take the fight to them.

Thanks Brendan

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