Monday, February 11, 2008
We Need to Get Things Going
I think that most Americans are pretty smart, and many are starting to realize how evil this banish the "former" sex offender blitz truly is. None of us can start a new life given these laws as they are. We are persecuted and discriminated against almost daily--we can not find employment--and our homes are being taken from us. Even those of us that "rent" deserve to have a home.
I encourage all RSO's to begin speaking out, in as peaceful manner as possible, to dispel the myths about former sex offenders the media and so many politicians have propagated to the public. The people are unduly paranoid because of this movement.
It's time to fight back!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Please dont check yourself out 5 minutes before the rescue. You ARE a HUMAN BEING and an AMERICAN CITIZEN and you have rights even though they seem to have been suspended.
From the Salem witch trials, to the scarlet letter, to segregation our nation has a VERY rich history of eating its own in the name of security or religious dogma's this is nothing new please do not despair. There are a number of sites and support systems like this popping up all over.
We as FORMER offenders are finally coming out of our collective closets of guilt and shame and beginning to organize. We are not hero's by any stretch of the imagination we are simply ordinary Americans just like you that for various reasons have made mistakes in our past for which we have served our time and made our restitution.
Like you we are angry at the CONSTANT government harrassment that keeps changing the rules every year or two and we refuse to be led silently into the slaughter pen any longer. We are men and women with families and are tired of the collateral damage on our families and friends.
I invite you to join this site and others and lets take the fight to them.
Thanks Brendan
Sunday, January 27, 2008
What are the Real Numbers?
Public Notification or Education
It's Getting Harder Every Day
It’s time America! Time to get back to the fundamental principles of liberty and justice for all. We can no longer afford to waste public resources on political pork barrel programs that serve no legitimate purpose is resolving our domestic dilemmas. There's been far too much waste on foreign interests. It's time we get back to basics.
We urge all of you to take a stand and restore our pride in our Country's principles. Let us know how you feel.
Food for Thought
By now you have read a number of articles concerning the rate of recidivism for sexual offenders, which is very low.
Here are some other alarming facts: When the justice department did its report on criminal recidivism, some very important considerations were left out of the analysis. Things like--an offender’s support systems upon release: whether or not the offender had family support; whether or not the offender had a stable environment to live in upon his release; whether or not the offender was on probation and required to participate in SOTP’s; Whether or not the offender was financially able to establish himself in the community; whether or not the offender played an active role in his reform; and lastly, whether the offender was cooperative.
In order to find solutions for recidivism, it’s of the utmost importance to understand the causes of it. Men that are simply dumped out on the street after a long prison term are typically more likely to engage in some sort of criminal behavior in order to make ends meet. We’d like to hear about your reintegration, and the supports, or lack of supports in your community upon your release.
Classifying People as Dangerous
Unfortunately, I discovered that most of the people sitting on these various boards do NOT have any credentials in psychology or psychiatry, and aren't qualified to make reliable determinations as to one's dangerousness.
In my State, many men that committed vicious/violent sexual attacks on women and children--causing serious physical harm--were classified as level 2 offenders, while other non-violent offenders were classified as level 3. This doesn't make sense to me at all.
I believe that these laws are in need of some serious reform, and our state and federal representatives need to put these judgments in the hands of professionals with a great deal of experience in the field, rather than appointing legal or political hacks to make these judgments.
Our representatives need to be responsible and held accountable when laws like these cause a great deal of harm to a class of American citizens, regardless of whether or not the members of that class are acceptable to others. They are still human beings, and are still Americans. Americans have rights!
I live in America. But it appears that corrupt politics and media incentives have turned this Country into purgatory for over 2 million American families.
Sex Offender Realities
The United States Justice Department reports that only 3.3% of former sexual offenders repeat their crimes, and those crimes are usually targeting children 13 or younger. The study covered offenders over a 3 year period. The statistic jumps to 4.7 after 5 years. {I think there are specific circumstances behind that jump}.
The abduction, rape and murder of children are very rare events, yet that's what the media seems to be focusing on to continue to persecute former sexual offenders.
Americans need to reform these new laws to protect everyone's rights. Only responsible legislation and accountability will alleviate the apparent sexual abuse crisis in America. Sexual abuse has been around since the dawn of man. I don't think that eliminating the problem altogether is possible.
I'd like to hear your opinions on this subject, to get a better idea about where others stand on the issues.